ABCs and 123s

Here are some skills your child should know BEFORE he or she begins school.

1. Count from 1 to 30
2. Identify numerals 1-10 in any order
3. Recite the alphabet
4. Identify upper and lowercase letters (A and a)
5. Make most letter/ sound matches
6. Identify basic colors (red, green, blue, etc.)
7. Identify basic shapes (circle, triangle, square, etc.)
8. Be able to rhyme some words (fan, man, pan, etc.)
9. Be able to listen and follow 2-3 step directions
10. Retell simple stories

This is not an exhaustive list, and I don’t want to overwhelm you because I don’t want you to overwhelm your child. Avoid drilling your child with this information. Let the learning process happen naturally. Get some of those magnetic letters and numbers sold in stores, for example, and put them on your refrigerator. Practice learning one number and letter at a time. If you follow this practical advice, your child will be ready to build on these skills when they enter school. Best Wishes!

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