Here’s The Reality

If not for the fact that the majority of African American children are educated in public schools,[1] I would not spend so much time highlighting concerns about the education they are receiving. I do so to educate the masses to spark a movement to improve instruction and the educational environment…

The Pandemic and the Class of 2020

I attended a “graduation ceremony” today. It was done by appointment and limited to four family members and friends. I realize how difficult the pandemic has been on the class of 2020. They missed some milestones in their lives that many of us remember fondly such as prom, senior cut…

3 Recommended Practices of Culturally Responsive Teaching

As a teacher, it is critical to your longevity and success that you have a solid understanding of and embrace culturally responsive teaching.  Allowing students to be their authentic selves in the classroom will support your lesson planning, classroom management practices, assessment of student learning, and instructional methods (Lew &…

Cultural Mismatches in the Classroom

Teachers bring their own cultural values and experiences to school and identify these as factors that helped them meet their goals and define who they are. These values may give teachers a preconceived notion of what success is or should be. Teachers' cultural values and experiences also provide an image…