Health Education

Students in grades K-9 will take a series of health courses. The health education program will help our students become more knowledgeable about physical, psychological and social wellness. We know that the practice of healthy living will affect students in all areas of learning. We will empower our students with the knowledge and attitude they need to make informed decisions that promote lifelong health and well-being.

Our health education program will focus on the following topics:

  • Health & wellness (making healthy decisions, setting goals, and personal health care)
  • Healthy social relationships and emotional and mental health
  • Nutrition and physical fitness
  • Substance abuse prevention
  • Growth & development
  • Physical diseases and prevention
  • Reproduction and sexuality education*

*Our reproduction and sexuality education programs will be taught in single gender classes at the middle and high school levels. Reproduction and sexuality will be presented as a normal and healthy aspect of human development.  We do emphasize abstinence for unmarried people as defined by our Islamic heritage. We understand the sensitive nature of this subject matter and approach teaching it with modesty and intelligence as Al-Islam directs. We want our students to be properly educated about these topics and will instruct them in a manner that is dignified and respectful. It is especially important that students understand puberty and the physical changes happening to them as perfectly natural. We welcome the opportunity for parents and guardians to review our curriculm and materials.