• Natural Sciences

    Science is both a body of knowledge and a series of pathways leading to greater understanding of the natural world. Science answers questions about the natural world. Human beings get science from studying the Creation. We study the natural world and discern knowledge from it to enhance our lives in…

  • Language Studies

    Polyglots or multilinguals enjoy communicating in multiple languages. Have you ever wanted to speak more than just the standard Spanish, German, or French offered in school? Have you dreamed of learning Swahili, Wolof, or Hausa? There are millions of Africans who speak these languages, and you can expand your connections in…

  • Strategic Thinking

    Strategic thinking is the manner in which people think about, assess, view, and create the future for themselves and others. Strategic thinking is an extremely effective and valuable tool. One can apply strategic thinking to arrive at decisions that can be related to your work or personal life. Strategic thinking…

  • Theatre Arts

    Theatre arts courses will introduce students to understanding the basics of theatre. Classes will cover acting, directing, playwriting, and technical theatre. Students will also expand their knowledge of theatre history. They will be introduced to publicity, play production, and improvisational exercises and games. This course will provide the foundation for…

  • Geography

    The study of geography places the whole world at your fingertips.  It takes you on fantastic voyages to faraway places and exotic landscapes and introduces you to our planet’s diversity of peoples, cultures, and ways of life.  Geography shapes history and current events.  In our increasingly globalized and interconnected society,…

  • Health Education

    Students in grades K-9 will take a series of health courses. The health education program will help our students become more knowledgeable about physical, psychological and social wellness. We know that the practice of healthy living will affect students in all areas of learning. We will empower our students with…

  • Learning Styles

    Healthy Living: Physical Fitness

    Physical fitness is one of the best things students can do for their bodies. In addition to improving their overall health, being physically fit reduces students' risk for chronic diseases such as heart disease, obesity, and high blood pressure. Fitness is important for medical reasons, for mental health reasons, and…

  • Composition

    The power of the written word has long been revered in the world. There was a time in American society when one of the greatest fears was the African American who could write and potentially inspire resistance and rebellion amongst other African Americans with his or her words. Laws were…

  • African American World History

    This series of courses covers the ancestral history of African American people from thousands of years ago to the present times. This history in traditional classes starts with enslavement and ends with the Civil Rights Movement, but the rich history of African American people is more complex and influential than…

  • Phonics

    Phonics instruction involves teaching students to know the relationships between letters and sounds and how to use this knowledge to recognize words when reading and to spell words when writing. In order for children to become literate, they must understand phonics. Phonics are essential to teaching students to read because…

  • Qur’anic Studies

    Students will study the message and meaning of the Holy Qur'an in depth in this course. Students will study the language and teachings of Imam W. Deen Mohammed to understand the meanings and interpretations of symbols and parables in the Qur'an and other scriptures to comprehend the world around them,…

  • Mathematics

    Mathematics is the study of topics such as numbers, structure, space, and change. Mathematicians seek out patterns and use them to formulate new theories. Mathematicians resolve the truth or falsehood of theories by mathematical proof. Mathematics developed from counting, calculation, measurement, and the systematic study of the shapes and motions…

  • Business

    Our focus is and must be economic development. Business is the end game. We believe that business and economic strength is tied to our healthy morale and social, political, and community growth and power. We believe that our students must be taught the benefits of multiple streams of income and…

  • Computer Science

    Middle school computer science classes are a sequence of courses that follow a hands-on, real-world solving approach to learning. Our courses emphasize communicating ideas clearly through a variety of media that allows students to develop logical reasoning, problem solving, and digital literacy. The program teaches a range of skills including…

  • Financial Literacy

    Financial literacy is the set of skills that is necessary for one to become a functional human being. Most adults did not receive instruction on financial literacy and find themselves unversed in budgeting, investing, and credit. We are determined not to let this be the legacy of future generations. In…