If you are designated a leader from the beginning, how will you begin to perceive of yourself? You will begin to see yourself as being responsible for more than yourself. You will see that your plans should include those in your community who may need your help or guidance. This is the expectation we have for our students at The ReImagine Schools.

We teach our students that the world is always in need of good and balanced leaders, and it is a duty on them to rise to the occasion. Leadership appears in many forms and circumstances. We guide our students to assume the responsibility when appropriate. We give our students training in critical thinking, character development, and leadership skills that will serve them locally, nationally, or internationally.

Our students leave us equipped to make a difference in their communities. We provide them with real life opportunities to hone their leadership skills and develop the decision-making and confidence effective leaders will need. Students learn about consensus building and study different leadership models. We expect our students to carry our service-leadership example forward in their lives, leaving positive and productive tracks as they progress.

We know our instruction and personal development have succeeded when our students lead and inspire others. We nurture the leadership potential in all of our scholars.