Our K–5th graders are provided instruction that sets the tone for their current and future success. Our aim at the elementary level is to build our students literacy and numeracy skills to prevent any gaps that may adversely impact their future academic achievement. Research shows us the negative effects students who are not reading on grade level by third grade experience. It is our intent that students are reading beyond their grade level by the time they leave elementary school. We also will provide our students math instruction that builds strong foundations in mathematical reasoning and the logical thinking skills that are associated with its study.

Our K–5th grade classes focus on student’s natural curiosity and real world applications. Students will continue to build their collaborative learning skills and be introduced to early leadership training at this level. They will focus on character education and the qualities needed to lead others.

Students will also continue to work on their personal identities. We take deliberate steps to assist our students with this critical stage using our culturally responsive teaching model. Students’ cultures are elevated in the classroom as a regular part of instruction and are used as the foundation of building positive student-teacher relationships.

Our students will begin their Qur’anic studies program in elementary school where they will learn the fundamentals of the Qur’an and the Arabic language. Students will begin memorizing short chapters of the Qur’an and taught to understand their meanings and history. They will also discuss and learn the relevance of the Qur’an to their everyday lives. Students will also be educated in Islamic knowledge including its pillars and beliefs, character and etiquette, worship, and Islamic identity. 

Students will continue to expand their social and emotional growth as they progress through the elementary years. Students will explore hands-on learning and develop critical thinking skills with project-based learning opportunities and inquiry projects. Students will study science, writing, social studies, geography, language arts, math, and electives like art and music. We encourage our students to discover and explore their passions for learning.