I used to think I was going to be a lawyer and gave this response whenever I was asked as a child what I wanted to become when I grew up. In some ways, I have held true to my inclinations. I believe very deeply in social justice and equality, and these beliefs have guided my life and calling.

I am a career educator who has served as a teacher, curriculum specialist, and school administrator. I had the privilege to spend my career in urban districts, preparing students for life after high school which included confidence in their ability to attend and succeed in college and careers.  I was very successful with my students because I believed in them and had very high expectations. I also had expert-level subject knowledge,  a good sense of humor, and a high level of dedication.

I began my career wanting to help my students in the classroom. But I quickly focused on wanting to help all disenfranchised students suffering from the effects of achievement or opportunity gaps. I founded The ReImagine Schools to be the premier organization that models how to eliminate opportunity gaps through culturally responsive teaching, personalized instruction, authentic student and parent engagement, and consistent support and training of educators.

I believe my methods and model of instruction have the potential to completely change the way educators view, engage, and educate African-American students.  I believe that the education of African-American students is the social justice issue of our time. If we fail to address this issue, we are delegating uncertain and unpredictable futures to these students. When one group among humanity is not thriving, none of us will fully prosper due to this unchecked imbalance.

The ReImagine Schools is prepared to implement specific and lasting changes in the way all students, particularly African American students, are educated and refined. Our efforts have positive implications for other students whose home language differs from the market English spoken and taught in classrooms all over the world.

In the near future, The ReImagine Schools will operate schools of excellence across the country and all over the world. I want all students to receive instruction and opportunities that will allow them to compete globally. I am confident and passionate about our design and am excited to provide the best education available to students often overlooked and underserved by traditional school systems. Our approach to instruction and student development is unconventional. Our support is unique because we are changing the way we educate.

Dr. Suweeyah Salih