Our students deserve a high quality education that expands their minds and opportunities. We strive to meet the unique academic, cultural, and language needs of all our students.

The primary reason schools exist is to educate students. It makes sense that students would be the center of learning in schools and education organizations today. But the reality is that often this is not the case. The negative news stories, data and research reports, and anecdotes from teachers, students, and parents demonstrate that student-centered learning is an unrealized idea in far too many schools.

The ReImagine Schools was founded to serve the needs of our students. Working from the service-leadership model, we have designed a curriculum and programming that will address the complete needs of our students. We view our scholars as budding human beings who have academic, social, emotional, spiritual, and personal development needs. Thus, our entire agenda and blueprint reflect these needs. We view students’ academic knowledge as an important but not complete part of their development. It is equally important to help students understand their personal and social responsibilities and promote positive character traits.

We believe that we have a moral and social responsibility to share in the growth and progress of the next generation of citizens and leaders. We do not claim this duty exclusively, for we partner with parents to do so. The ReImagine Schools promotes parent advocacy, and we do not overlook the role of conscious and consistent parenting. Together with parent and community support, we can put the emphasis in education back on the student where it belongs.