We take pride in the quality and variety of education we offer to our students at The ReImagine Schools. We have spent years developing a curriculum that we believe best educates African American students about their history and culture, self and community identity, and academic and spiritual knowledge. We believe that our deliberate attention to the whole student rivals what most school districts profess to do on paper. We know that our students are just as capable if not more so than their peers from other ethnic groups, and our expectations and standards demonstrate that. We do not accept that the opportunity gaps frequently shown in data comparisons of African American students is permanent or predictive.

The ReImagine Schools expects all of our students to exceed the negative stereotypes about their character, their intellect, and their future aspirations. We are growing scholarly leaders who will be qualified to carry on the work of those who prepared and preceded them. They will be our ambassadors, representing the best of our past, present, and future.